Core Crusher Workout [VIDEO]
Love… Love.. this type of training that we do.
It’s intense and I love pushing through it and the feeling after. Im feeling so strong from these videos and hitting the gym hard too, it’s a great feeling to see and feel results in your body.
Try this one with me.. spread a mat out have some water close and let’s push it.
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Workout Breakdown:
So 4 reps of each drill on both sides of your mat with either a plank walk or hand walk inbetween. Going 3 sets of each combo then finish with 10 reps of each drill before you move onto the next combo.
- Supermans — plank walk — Tucks
- Plank suicides — hand walks — Power lunges
- Shoulder pushups— hand walks — power jacks
Shuffles for 30 seconds FAST . Then turn your mat.
- 4.point in/outs — plank walks up — 4.point hops
- Plank punches — hand walks — wide Mt.climbers
Squat hops across mat, drop it down into pushup then hand walk it back up. (love this move)
great work Adrenaline Junkies.. hit up a cool down now and have an excellent day .. oh and if you like this workout and feel great from it share it with your friends on facebook so others can try it out too! Thanks guys I appreciate it 😀 !!!